Macmahon locks in Boston Shaker contract extension

Australian contractor Macmahon has confirmed the receipt of a three-year mining services contract with AngloGold Ashanti for its Boston Shaker underground gold operation in Western Australia.

The deal, worth A$352 million, now extends its alliance partnership to 1 May 2027 and is expected to generate revenue of $117 million annually.

It has been providing services to AngloGold’s Boston Shaker since 2019.

Macmahon will, for the period of this extension, largely utilise the existing fleet. It will continue mine development as well as production drilling, cable bolting and ore stoping.

The Boston Shaker mine is part of the Tropicana gold operation. Tropicana is located 330 kilometres northeast of Kalgoorlie. It is a joint venture between AngloGold (70%, and operator) and Regis Resources Ltd (30%).

Source: Macmahon

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