Eclipse releases SourceOne EKPS enhancements

Data technology solutions provider Eclipse Mining Technologies, developer of the SourceOne Enterprise Knowledge Performance System (EKPS), has announced the launch of its latest release of enhancements, a significant expansion of its product capabilities. 

This milestone comes as mining and other similar big data industries continue to face increasingly complex data challenges that coincide with the exponential acceleration in the development and accessibility of artificial intelligence tools. At the core of this latest release lies a schema that acknowledges the need for data to undergo a transformative process in order to become prepared for its utilization by artificial intelligence tools and for knowledge generation.

Since its inception in 2017, Eclipse has been dedicated to developing a comprehensive solution that addresses the most pressing data-related hurdles. The Eclipse team aims to meet this challenge head-on by incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as data ontology, knowledge graphs and data modeling into its existing architecture.

The new release details include: 

  • An enhanced integration layer to achieve genuine data integration;
  • An ontology layer to enrich data meaning with extensive context; 
  • A modeling layer with knowledge graphs to capture and visualize relationships between data objects;
  • Enhanced automation to provide answers on demand; and
  • The ability to incorporate advanced analytics (via external AI models) to unlock additional value.

According to Eclipse, data holds immense value, but only when it is actively utilized. The foundation of a knowledge system lies in extracting insights from data and empowering users to leverage that knowledge effectively. 

“By employing ontology, computers can comprehend and interpret data, thereby enabling thorough analysis and operationalization of information for practical use. The introduction of a knowledge graph within SourceOne allows for modeling the unique complexities of each operation and provides a shared understanding of data across domains, revolutionizing data integration capabilities. With this release, data becomes a driving force that empowers users in ways previously unimaginable,” it said. 

CEO Susan Wick highlighted the significance of this milestone: “Industries identified a long time ago the challenges they face with the vast amounts of data they are collecting. But what do they do with that data? How do they process and benefit from it? And is it only available to a few data scientists or across business units, allowing everyone to meet the challenges of their job by leveraging the relevant data with which to improve their results? 

“True knowledge management necessitates a framework to make it successful and useful outputs to make it consumable. That is precisely what an EKPS offers and what conventional data management systems were never designed to achieve. Technology is now meeting these needs, and SourceOne is defining the path.”

Chairman Fred Banfield added that the use of ontology and knowledge graphs will provide guidance on where data is, how to access it and what tools should be used to analyze it, and even what to do with the results. 

“Providing users with tools is not enough, without the guidance provided by ontology and knowledge graphs, which make use of the collective experience of past practitioners,” he added.


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