Two seriously injured after burns at Mont Isa smelter

Two male workers from Glencore’s Mount Isa operations in Queensland received burn injuries in an incident at the complex’s copper smelter on 25 April.

Glencore has not yet made any public statement, but per an ABC North West QLD report, the two have serious burns and one was in an induced coma and on breathing assistance in Brisbane for burns to 60% of his body. Both were listed in critical condition as of the outlet’s last update late evening 25 April local time.

The men, both contract workers, were hurt when a steam vent opened adjacent to where they were working, the ABC report said. Neither have been publicly identified.

Operations were suspended at the smelter pending an investigation. It was not known at press time if the operations idle was still in place, or the updated conditions of the 25- and 26-year-old men.

Mount Isa Mines celebrated its 100th anniversary of operations in January, having been formed 16 January 1924.

Mount Isa’s processing facilities include the copper smelter, a lead smelter, copper concentrator, zinc-lead concentrator and filter plant, and support services.

Source: ABC 

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