Peru launches training workshop for Puno region miners

The Ministry of Energy and Mines in Peru (MINEM) has just commenced its fourth round of face-to-face workshops geared toward its formalized small mining and artisanal mining operators in the Puno region.

MINEM said the education is focused on performing sustainable activities and has so far trained 1,057 operators in 10 regions of the country: Madre de Dios, Puno, Arequipa, Apurimac, Lima, La Libertad, Ayacucho, Cusco, Pasco and Piura.

“Mining operators will have knowledge in safety, occupational health, environmental protection, labor management, social management, marketing, among others, all with the aim of modernizing their operations and joining a sustainable mining with the communities, the State and the environmental environment,” the agency said.

The training is within the outlines of MINEM’s Sustainability 2022 program through the General Directorate of Mining Formalization (DGFM). Topics include marketing, occupational safety and health, mining-environmental, tax, among others.

Alberto Rojas, director of Mining Formalization at MINEM, said the goal is to “guide the formal miner in the fulfillment of their obligations of different kinds, strengthening their capacities in front of the authorities.”

Puno has 3,014 formalized miners, according to agency data. 


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