ERA goes to court for Jabiluka lease renewal

Energy Resources of Australia has launched legal proceedings over the Northern Territory government’s decision not to renew the undeveloped Jabiluka mineral lease, which expires on 11 August.

The miner is seeking judicial review of the decision, including the Commonwealth government’s advice to the Northern Territory government to refuse the lease renewal. ERA said it “was denied procedural fairness and natural justice in the decision-making process.”

On 9 August, the Federal Court of Australia issued an interim order to stay the decision, pending further order of the court. Accordingly, the Jabiluka mineral lease remains on foot.

While the Jabiluka mineral lease holds a large, high-quality uranium ore body of global significance, ERA said previously that it has no development plan for the deposit.

“ERA has protected the cultural heritage at Jabiluka for almost two decades under a long-term agreement with the Mirarr Traditional Owners that also includes a veto right over any future development,” explained ERA CEO Brad Welsh earlier this year. “The agreement and veto right only remain in place if the lease is renewed.” 

Source: Energy Resources of Australia

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