Curtin University tapped to run GreenTech Hub

Curtin University said it has been selected as the operator of Western Australia’s new GreenTech Hub, an initiative designed to accelerate green technologies and services across the state.

The GreenTech Hub is a key component of the Cook government’s $40 million partnership with the Chevron-operated Gorgon Joint Venture, aimed at funding green technology and lowering carbon emissions.

Innovation and the Digital Economy and Science Minister, the Honourable Stephen Dawson said $4 million has been allocated over four years to drive innovative projects which support the decarbonisation of the economy.

“The Cook government is committed to net-zero carbon emissions for our state by 2050 and this exciting initiative will see Curtin University take a leading role in delivering solutions to support a clean energy future,” Dawson said.

“This hub will further grow critical technologies and new industries as we all work together towards net-zero emissions in the face of the unavoidable impact of climate change.”

The GreenTech Hub will be modelled on existing Western Australian co-founded innovation hubs and an official opening is being planned for later in the year.

Source: Curtin University

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