Barrick’s Porgera operating despite landslide

Barrick has reportedly confirmed that its Porgera gold operation in Papua New Guinea is running without restriction after a significant landslide hit the Enga province.

A Reuters report said Barrick is reporting a 40-day fuel supply for the operation. The company has also offered its support to the survivors of the mountainside collapse, which happened 30 kilometres (18.64 miles) away.

Various press reports have the death tally from the landslide as high as 2,000 people. Heavy rains have slowed aid and rescue attempts.

The underground Porgera mine is jointly operated by Barrick Gold, China’s Zijin Mining Group and PNG stakeholders. It is back in operation this year after a four-year-long dispute.

Source: Reuters (Barrick’s Porgera mine in Papua New Guinea operating without restriction after landslide (

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