Rio Tinto earmarks over $1B for Brockman mine extension

With the end goal of extending the life of the mine and sustaining production across its iron ore portfolio, Rio Tinto announced it has invested US$1.8 billion to develop the Brockman 1 mine project extension (BS1).

The project has received all of its needed state and federal governmental approvals, and is being developed by the company alongside the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura (PKKP) Traditional Owners and the Muntulgura Guruma Traditional Owners.

Iron ore CEO Simon Trott said the project extends the Brockman hub; Brockman 4 produced 43 million tonnes in 2024. He called it good for business, Western Australia and the Australian economy.

“Rio Tinto has been mining iron ore in the Pilbara for almost six decades and our tranche of new mines will ensure we can continue to supply the globe’s ongoing need for iron ore, for decades to come,” he added.

BS1 is within the Brockman region, which already encompasses Brockman 4 and Greater Nammuldi. It will have capacity to process up to 34 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of iron ore, leveraging existing plants. First ore is now scheduled for 2027, having previously been anticipated in 2028.

Construction begins this year and includes a new primary crusher and overland conveyor, a non-process infrastructure precinct and a temporary camp for construction workers.

Rio Tinto said it will need about 1,000 workers during construction but that it will sustain a payroll of about 600 once operational.

“BS1 is one of a tranche of replacement projects, with total annual capacity of about 130Mtpa2 that underpin Rio Tinto’s ongoing commitment to the Pilbara,” the miner said.

Western Range is more than 90% complete, with first production due in the first half of 2025. The Hope Downs 1 and West Angelas sustaining projects are progressing through approvals processes.

Additionally, work continues on the pre-feasibility study for Rhodes Ridge, one of the world’s largest and highest quality undeveloped iron ore deposits, which is targeting an initial capacity of up to 40 Mtpa and first ore by 2030.

Source: Rio Tinto

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