OceanaGold confirms death of contractor

OceanaGold has reported that a contractor working at its Didipio mine in the Philippines, who sustained serious head injuries while attempting to remove a metal blockage from a jaw crusher in late July, recently passed away.

“We are all deeply saddened by this tragic event, especially those at Didipio who have lost two colleagues in a short period,” said President & CEO Gerard Bond, referring to the accidental death of a miner in late June.

“Although the two events are unrelated, we are taking immediate action at Didipio to improve the effectiveness of the OurSafe Behaviours safety program, increase hazard identification training – particularly in relation to stored energy – and expand in-field coaching on the identification of critical and high-risk tasks and verification of critical controls. Ensuring the safety of our workforce is paramount.”

Didipio, which is located in Luzon, produces gold and silver as doré bars and copper in concentrate.

Source: OceanaGold

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