Lynas ready for heavy RE production

Lynas Rare Earths’ Lynas Malaysia arm has confirmed it is targeting 2025 for first production of two separated heavy rare earths products, producing – for the first time – separated dysprosium (Dy) and terbium (Tb).

The production will complement its existing light rare earths product range. 

“Dy and Tb are both essential to high performance rare earth permanent magnets used in electric vehicles and high-tech applications such as micro-capacitors which are essential to all electronic devices,” Lynas said in its confirmation statement, noting that it currently outputs Dy, Tb and other HRE oxides from the Mt. Weld ore body are sold as a mixed HRE compound known as SEGH.

The reconfiguration of one of Lynas Malaysia’s solvent extraction circuits will facilitate the production. The new circuit is designed with capacity to separate up to 1,500 tonnes of SEGH per year.

Front end engineering design is complete and detailed engineering design is now in motion, with commissioning and ramp-up is expected by mid-year 2025.

Simultaneously, Lynas is progressing its pre-construction activities for the planned U.S. Rare Earths processing facility, with both it and Lynas Malaysia designed to accept third-party feedstocks as they come online. 

“Lynas’ Mt. Weld deposit is remarkable for its endowment of heavy rare earth minerals as well as light rare earth minerals,” Lynas CEO and MD Amanda Lacaze said.

“This circuit reconfiguration at Lynas Malaysia provides a pathway to accelerate our commitment to processing all of the elements in the Mt. Weld ore body. Dy and Tb are important inputs to high performance magnets and electronic devices and we are pleased to enhance our product range.”

SEGH is a mixed heavy rare earth compound containing mixed samarium, europium, gadolinium, holmium, dysprosium and terbium.

Source: Lynas Rare Earths

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