First gold export from Tocantinzinho

G Mining Ventures has completed its first exports of doré bars from its 100%-owned Tocantinzinho gold project Pará, Brazil, to a refinery in Switzerland. The project remains on time and budget for commercial production in the second half of 2024.

“Our first shipments of gold mark another milestone for TZ, and the State of Para in particular, as this shipment represents the first export from a large-scale, modern gold mining operation in the state,” said President and CEO Louis-Pierre Gignac. 

“With construction officially completed, we kept lost time injury to only one in more than 5.6 million person-hours worked. I want to congratulate the team on a tremendous safety record.”

The start of production coincides with an environment of record high gold prices, where every ounce sold by G Mining was in excess of $2,400 per ounce, significantly above budget.

Source: G Mining Ventures

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