Fabrum unveils liquid hydrogen plant at Fortescue site

New Zealand-based Fabrum has collaborated with Fortescue on the design, build and commissioning of Australia’s largest liquid hydrogen plant at a mine site. The plant is now operational at Fortescue’s Green Energy Hub at Christmas Creek in Western Australia.

“Hydrogen and fuels made using renewable energy will have a role to play in decarbonising mining, whether it’s in buses, heavy mining equipment such as haul trucks and excavators, or producing green iron,” said Fortescue Metals CEO Dino Otranto.

“This renewable hydrogen plant is versatile, enabling us to produce gaseous and liquid hydrogen to be used to power our mining equipment prototypes, while also providing the added benefit of refuelling our fleet of coaches at Christmas Creek.”

Liquid hydrogen from the plant will be used to power Fortescue’s zero-emissions mining equipment prototypes including its Offboard Power Unit and its hydrogen-powered haul truck prototype, dubbed “Europa,” which will be tested at Christmas Creek over the coming months. 

The hydrogen plant can produce 350 kilograms of liquid hydrogen per day and has 600 kg of storage.

Sources: Fabrum and Fortescue

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