Chile: Sernageomin launches public tailings platform

The National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin) officially launched its innovative public tailings platform, a digital tool that centralizes and facilitates access to information on tailings deposits nationwide. Currently, Chile has a total of 795 tailings deposits, distributed as follows: 53 in a state of abandonment, 128 active, 12 under construction, 1 under review and 601 inactive.

This platform is part of Sernageomin’s digital transformation strategy, which aims to improve the management of geoscientific data and strengthen decision-making in the mining sector.

According to the Minister of Mining Aurora Williams: “this new platform is a relevant step that Sernageomin is taking on its path towards digitization and modernization in the management of its data and access to updated information, and it is an input for the Tailings Agenda 2025-2026, which we present this week with a long-term vision regarding the challenge of positioning Chile as a global benchmark in high mining standards, with the aim of ensuring safe management of deposits and promoting a more sustainable future for the mining industry and its communities.”

Meanwhile, Hugo Neira, head of the Territorial Analytics Subdepartment of Sernageomin, explained that “this project replaces data concentrated in spreadsheets with a modern geospatial solution, which will allow a more efficient and accurate analysis.”

The platform offers users the possibility to visualize information about tailings deposits through interactive maps organized into thematic layers. In addition, it includes advanced filtering tools, which makes it easy to consult specific data such as location, type of deposit and associated resources. Statistical summaries are also generated to facilitate the analysis of key variables related to deposits.

Neira maintains that “one of the highlights of the platform is the incorporation of geochemical information from the deposits at the national level, which reinforces its usefulness for informed decision-making. The platform is available on mobile devices and computers, guaranteeing its accessibility at any time and place, and allows connection with the device’s GPS.”

For his part, Patricio Aguilera, national director of Sernageomin, stressed that “the public tailings platform is an important milestone for the management of geoscientific data in Chile. With this tool, we consolidate our leadership in the adoption of emerging technologies to face the challenges of the 21st century.”

Mayra Flores Ccopa – España | Pan-American Mining

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