Minem proposes launch of Northern Mining Corridor

Peru’s Minister Jorge Montero said that consensus is being reached with mining companies on the possibility of working together on a technical proposal. The head of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) Jorge Montero Cornejo, said that the Cajamarca region could play a very significant role in setting in motion the great Northern Mining Corridor of Peru, whose estimated…

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Barrick informs communities about El Alto project

Barrick Chile is moving forward with the Early Citizen Participation process in Alto del Carmen on the proposed activities for the El Alto exploration, which seeks to obtain key geological and metallurgical information. Barrick has held more than 120 meetings with leaders of social organizations to date, in addition to more than 100 meetings held with residents during Information Sessions…

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Anglo American selling nickel business to MMG Singapore

Anglo American confirmed on 18 February that it has entered into an agreement to sell its Brazilian nickel business to MMG subsidiary MMG Singapore for up to US$500 million cash. The nickel business comprises two ferronickel operations in Brazil, Barro Alto and Codemin, as well as two high quality greenfield growth projects, Jacaré and Morro Sem Boné. The $500 million…

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Laguna Verde project: Sustainable lithium

Two new lithium projects are underway in northern Chile, Laguna Verde (the most advanced) and Viento Andino, by CleanTech Lithium (CTL), a Chile-based exploration and development company. The company told Revista Minería Pan-Americana that “after several successful drilling campaigns starting in 2021, we are in the process of completing a drilling program at Laguna Verde, the results of which will…

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Fatality reported at Santacruz Tres Amigos

Santacruz Silver Mining has confirmed the death of one of its workers in an incident at the Tres Amigos mine, part of the Caballo Blanco Group of mines in Bolivia. The death on 6 February occurred while the miner, who was not identified, was performing cleaning work nearby a development with an ore pass junction. The incident occurred when material…

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Rio2 starts Fenix construction

Canadian-based Rio2 has marked the start of construction at its Fenix gold mine in the Maricunga Gold Belt, Atacama Region, Chile. A ceremony was held 6 February to mark the occasion; the event was attended by the Honorable Aurora Williams Baussa, Minister of Mining; Mario Silva Álvarez, Deputy Governor of Atacama; Jorge Riesco Valdivieso, President of SONAMI (Chilean National Mining…

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Vale to build world’s largest tailings cement plant in Brazil

Vale confirmed last week the construction of the world’s largest activated clay factory, to use mining waste to produce cement, in the state of Pará, Brazil. The largest sustainable cement plant will be managed by Circlua, a company created by Vale to implement green cement solutions, and will produce 3000 tons per day of activated clay from clay from the…

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Chile orders definitive closure of Lundin’s Alcaparrosa mine

The Chilean authority the Superintendence of the Environment (SMA) completed its investigation against the Alcaparrosa mine of Minera Ojos del Salado, a subsidiary of Lundin Mining, for its operational continuity project that in 2022 caused the generation of a sinkhole 49 meters in diameter and more than 60 m deep, located 900 m from the urban area of Tierra Amarilla,…

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Artemis Blackwater begins ore processing

Artemis Gold has confirmed the commissioning of the grinding circuit at the Blackwater Mine in British Columbia, Canada. Company officials said it commenced milling first ore the week of January 22. It is still targeting first gold pour prior to month-end, but at press time January 29 had not confirmed the milestone. Blackwater is planned to be a conventional open…

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Chile: Sernageomin launches public tailings platform

The National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin) officially launched its innovative public tailings platform, a digital tool that centralizes and facilitates access to information on tailings deposits nationwide. Currently, Chile has a total of 795 tailings deposits, distributed as follows: 53 in a state of abandonment, 128 active, 12 under construction, 1 under review and 601 inactive. This platform is…

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