Blesberg mining permit issued

Marula Mining said its South African subsidiary Southern African Lithium and Tantalum Mining has received the mining permit for the Blesberg mine in the Northern Cape province.

The approval was awarded by the South African Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE).

The mining permit is valid for a period of two years, until 24 May 2026, and extends over five hectares, allows for development and open pit mining of lithium, tantalum and niobium ores and feldspar at Blesberg. This is also in addition to the company’s previously approved stockpile re-processing operations.

The mining permit allows also for the company to progress these open pit mining and development activities whilst the DMRE completes its approval process for the Mining Right application that has been accepted by the DMRE.

Initial surface development work and clearance activities have started, which will be followed by the planned open pit development and conventional open pit drill and blast and load and haul mining operations.

Marula is appointing a local mining contractor for the development work and the associated open pit mining activities. A selection should be announced this quarter. 

Source: Marula Mining

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