Frontline workers rewrite safety at Anglo American

Through a bottom-up approach, frontline workers have been empowered to shape a new Fatal Risk Management (FRM) program at Anglo American, one that is easy to use and doesn’t add another layer of red tape.

Anglo American Australia CEO Dan van der Westhuizen said embedding frontline workers in the project team was crucial in designing the simplified and standardised tools as they understood the risks better than anyone else. 

“Fatal Risk is not a new concept for the mining industry and learnings from our people, peers and industry experts have informed our approach,” he said.

“Our point of difference has been cultivating FRM from the operator level to leverage the insights and experiences of our frontline workers to ensure we have the best chance of getting it right.”

The program comprises 14 Fatal Risks and 50 crucial Fatal Controls that sit underneath risks and these must be in place to help prevent a fatality from occurring at the frontline.

Anglo’s Aquila and Capcoal mines piloted the new program across its Middlemount operations.

Source: Anglo American

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