Bukit Asam launches coal conversion pilot

Indonesia-based Bukit Asam, a member of the MIND ID Group, has launched a pilot project with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to convert coal into artificial graphite and anode sheet, which will then be used as raw materials in lithium-ion batteries. 

The energy company said this is the world’s first conversion of coal into artificial graphite and anode sheet, and could be a significant advance in the coal downstream business.

“This project is a strategic step that not only supports [Bukit Asam’s] business diversification, but also improves our future position in the electric vehicle battery supply chain,” said Dilo Seno Widagdo, director of Portfolio & Business Development at MIND ID, emphasizing that the sustainability of this project really requires support and in-depth study of its economic aspects.

BRIN Director of Research & Innovation Utilization in the Industry, Mulyadi Sinung Harjono, added that he hopes the project will help strengthen Indonesia’s position in the strategic raw materials industry.

Source: Bukit Asam